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 How-To Add Codes To NitePR

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PostSubject: How-To Add Codes To NitePR   How-To Add Codes To NitePR Icon_minitimeThu Aug 07, 2008 3:09 pm

It's quite sad that it came to this, but I have to make it, too many people can't figure it out.

So please read the whole guide, as well as everything else I tell you to read, if you have questions after you're done, then please ask, but if it's stupid and was answered in one of the things I asked you to read, then I will NOT answer it.

First, Download the newest version of nitePR here >>>

Now, To Add Codes!

Step 1) Connect your PSP to your computer VIA USB, or insert your memory stick into a card reader, whichever way you prefer, it doesn't really matter...

Step 2) Go to ms0:/Seplugins/
This is where you installed nitePR, now click on the nitePR folder, doing this would mean you are now in ms0:/Seplugins/nitePR

Step 3) Create a NEW Text File.
This text file is where you will put your codes, each game requires it's own separate text file. You must name the Game after it's ID #
If you do not know it, look for it, if you can't find it, this is what you do.
-Drop everything you're doing and boot the game you want codes for.
-Open nitePR, and press "R" Twice until you're at [PRX]
-Go down and click X on "Add Empty Cheat?"
-Press O twice.
-Go down and press X on "Save cheats?" Let it save...

Now get yourself back to where we were at step 3, the text file will appear in the folder with it's respective ID number.

An Example is the US Version of SFDM, the ID is UCUS-98641

Step 4) Find the codes you want and paste them into this text file.
***** nitePR format ONLY! NOT CWCHEAT!

Step 5) Save the text file.

Step 6) Exit

Step 7) Boot your game, open nitePR, turn on your codes, and set Hz to 15 if required.

Step Cool Play, Have Fun.. Very Happy
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